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The Relationship between Women Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly becoming a strategic issue that has to be dealt with by top management. The aim of the present study is to analyse the role that women directors can play as driving forces behind the development of CSR in organisations, and contribute to sustainable development. Despite the fact that gender diversity is acquiring considerable importance, most research has focused on analysing how it affects financial performance. In this study, we analyse the implications that gender diversity has on CSR. To do so, we have carried out an empirical study of a sample of firms from a variety of countries and sectors to determine whether those firms with a higher percentage of women on the board of directors are more socially responsible. The results support the hypothesis that gender diversity has a positive influence on CSR. Female talent can play a strategic role in enabling firms to manage their social responsibility and sustainable practices appropriately. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment