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Joining revisited in family therapy: discourse analysis of cross‐cultural encounters between a therapist and an immigrant family

Journal of Family Therapy

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With increasing diversity in therapeutic dyads, there has been renewed attention to the process of ‘joining’ in cross‐cultural encounters. Inspired by discourse analysis, we conducted a close reading of therapy transcripts between a Pakistani immigrant mother‐daughter dyad and a Canadian white female therapist in an outpatient clinic. Our findings illustrate detailed discursive interactions for joining techniques – selective joining, confirmation, and tracking – (1) where the therapist facilitates joining moments with the family and (2) where the same techniques are used to preclude further exploration of the family's cultural views. Consequently, the joining process is at times limited by the therapist's enactment of her own assumptions about the family's culture. Due to the doxic nature of cultural assumptions, a discursive analysis may help to prevent therapists from silencing their clients’ cultural voices and to be more reflexive of their assumptions, thus promoting joining. Practitioner points Joining in family therapy is a dynamic process The detailed analysis of joining moments can serve as an example for training therapists to examine their moment‐to‐moment responses to culturally diverse clients Therapeutic constructs/techniques (e.g. joining) cannot be decontextualized or conceptualized as apolitical and acultural Critical reflexivity may prevent therapists from unknowingly oppressing culturally diverse clients’ experiences and cultural identities 重新思考家庭治疗里的”加入”:治疗师和移民家庭跨文化会面的话语分析 当治疗关系变得越来越多样化, 跨文化会面中的”加入”过程正在重新受到关注。受到话语分析的启发, 我们对发生在一对巴基斯坦移民母女和一位加拿大白人女治疗师之间的门诊治疗对话进行了细致解读。研究发现呈现了详细的加入技巧的对话互动——选择性加入、确认, 和跟进——(1)治疗师在什么地方与家庭推进加入时刻, 以及(2)在什么地方, 同样的技巧被再次使用, 以便停止对家庭文化观念的进一步探索。因此, 加入过程有时候受到治疗师对家庭文化假设的具体实施的限制。因为文化假设的性质是理念的, 因此话语分析或许可以帮助治疗师避免压制来访者的文化表达, 并更多地反思自己的假设, 以此来促进加入。 对实务工作者的启示 家庭治疗中的加入是一个动态过程 对于加入时刻的详细分析可以作为例子, 来训练治疗师检查自己对来自其他文化的来访者的每时每刻的反应 治疗概念/技巧(如加入)不能去背景化, 也不能被当做是与政治、文化无关的 批判性反思或许能防止治疗师不自觉地压抑其他文化的来访者的经历和身份 关键词:加入;移民;多样性;批判性反思;话语分析