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Geography journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Global Environmental Change
impact factor: 5.236
Progress in Human Geography
impact factor: 4.489
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
impact factor: 4.122
Economic Geography
impact factor: 3.389
Applied Geography
impact factor: 2.779
Journal of Economic Geography
impact factor: 2.600
impact factor: 2.430
impact factor: 2.425
Landscape and Urban Planning
impact factor: 2.314
Annals of the Association of American Geographers / Annals of the American Association of Geographers
impact factor: 2.110
Political Geography
impact factor: 2.108
Environment and Planning D Society and Space
impact factor: 1.991
Journal of Transport Geography
impact factor: 1.942
Global Networks
impact factor: 1.863
Population Space and Place
impact factor: 1.861
Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society
impact factor: 1.764
Social & Cultural Geography
impact factor: 1.764
Urban Geography
impact factor: 1.697
impact factor: 1.685
Computers Environment and Urban Systems
impact factor: 1.674
Geographical Journal
impact factor: 1.635
Environment and Planning A
impact factor: 1.630
Eurasian Geography and Economics
impact factor: 1.630
cultural geographies
impact factor: 1.622
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
impact factor: 1.613
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
impact factor: 1.543
Papers of the Regional Science Association / Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association
impact factor: 1.541
Geographical Analysis
impact factor: 1.500
Regional Studies
impact factor: 1.465
Journal of Geographical Systems
impact factor: 1.366
The Professional Geographer
impact factor: 1.266
Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien
impact factor: 1.263
impact factor: 1.136
impact factor: 0.922
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.918
Transactions in GIS
impact factor: 0.906
The Annals of Regional Science
impact factor: 0.901
Australian Geographer
impact factor: 0.891
Children s Geographies
impact factor: 0.860
Gender Place & Culture
impact factor: 0.833
Geographical Research
impact factor: 0.783
Asia Pacific Viewpoint
impact factor: 0.771
Journal of Maps
impact factor: 0.769
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
impact factor: 0.753
impact factor: 0.744
Urban Policy and Research
impact factor: 0.694
Journal of Historical Geography
impact factor: 0.662
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
impact factor: 0.638
Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography
impact factor: 0.629
Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography
impact factor: 0.615
Cartography and Geographic Information Science / Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
impact factor: 0.611
Scottish Geographical Journal
impact factor: 0.611
Landscape Research
impact factor: 0.580
European Planning Studies
impact factor: 0.562
Journal of Geography
impact factor: 0.540
Geografie Prague
impact factor: 0.500
Geographical Review
impact factor: 0.456
Cartographic Journal The
impact factor: 0.424
impact factor: 0.400
Isl Stud J
impact factor: 0.391
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography
impact factor: 0.378
Geod Vestn
impact factor: 0.367
impact factor: 0.351
South African Geographical Journal
impact factor: 0.308
Space and Culture
impact factor: 0.255
Imago Mundi
impact factor: 0.250
Revista de geografÃa Norte Grande
impact factor: 0.240
New Zealand Geographer
impact factor: 0.182
B Asoc Geogr Esp
impact factor: 0.179
Mitteilungen der Ãsterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft
impact factor: 0.154
Scripta Nova
impact factor: 0.115
Z Wirtschaftsgeogr
impact factor: 0.103