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Clinical Psychology journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 12.422
Clinical Psychology Review
impact factor: 6.696
Neuropsychology Review
impact factor: 6.420
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
impact factor: 5.812
Psychological Medicine
impact factor: 5.587
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 5.011
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
impact factor: 4.646
Depression and Anxiety
impact factor: 4.610
Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 4.400
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
impact factor: 4.216
Health Psychology Review
impact factor: 4.160
Health Psychology
impact factor: 3.832
impact factor: 3.579
Personality Disorders Theory Research and Treatment
impact factor: 3.540
Behaviour Research and Therapy
impact factor: 3.471
Archives of Sexual Behavior
impact factor: 3.280
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology / Journal of Abnormal Child Psychiatry
impact factor: 3.005
Psychological Assessment
impact factor: 2.994
Behavior Therapy
impact factor: 2.911
International Journal of Eating Disorders
impact factor: 2.877
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
impact factor: 2.665
Psychotherapy / Psychotherapy (Chicago Ill )
impact factor: 2.629
Journal of Traumatic Stress
impact factor: 2.550
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
impact factor: 2.545
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
impact factor: 2.524
impact factor: 2.430
Sexual Abuse
impact factor: 2.420
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
impact factor: 2.418
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
impact factor: 2.381
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 2.333
Journal of Behavioral Medicine
impact factor: 2.216
International Psychogeriatrics
impact factor: 2.188
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
impact factor: 2.102
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
impact factor: 2.051
Addictive Behaviors
impact factor: 2.021
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
impact factor: 2.000
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
impact factor: 2.000
British Journal of Health Psychology
impact factor: 1.991
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
impact factor: 1.985
Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie
impact factor: 1.985
The Journal of Sex Research
impact factor: 1.948
European Eating Disorders Review
impact factor: 1.943
Journal of Family Psychology
impact factor: 1.888
Journal of Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary, International Journal
impact factor: 1.882
Journal of Personality Assessment
impact factor: 1.874
Cognitive Therapy and Research
impact factor: 1.868
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
impact factor: 1.866
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
impact factor: 1.862
Criminal Justice and Behavior
impact factor: 1.860
Psychology of Violence
impact factor: 1.826
Eating Behaviors
impact factor: 1.796
Body Image / Body Image An international journal of research
impact factor: 1.740
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
impact factor: 1.733
Behavior Modification: (formerly Behavior Modification Quarterly)
impact factor: 1.732
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation / Journal of Trauma and Dissociation
impact factor: 1.717
Psychology and Psychotherapy Theory Research and Practice
impact factor: 1.690
The Clinical Neuropsychologist
impact factor: 1.678
Rehabilitation Psychology
impact factor: 1.674
Journal of Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 1.668
Family Process
impact factor: 1.609
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
impact factor: 1.590
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
impact factor: 1.536
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy
impact factor: 1.457
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
impact factor: 1.455
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
impact factor: 1.452
Psychotherapy Research
impact factor: 1.441
Journal of Mental Health
impact factor: 1.398
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
impact factor: 1.366
PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie
impact factor: 1.341
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
impact factor: 1.330
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
impact factor: 1.233
impact factor: 1.191
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
impact factor: 1.176
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
impact factor: 1.144
Psychological Services
impact factor: 1.036
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
impact factor: 1.033
Z Psychosom Med Psyc
impact factor: 0.981
Behav Disorders
impact factor: 0.947
Journal of Family Violence
impact factor: 0.940
impact factor: 0.868
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
impact factor: 0.863
Terapia psicológica
impact factor: 0.854
Behav Psychol
impact factor: 0.800
Psychoanalytic Psychology
impact factor: 0.800
impact factor: 0.783
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung
impact factor: 0.774
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis / Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis
impact factor: 0.762
Journal of Dual Diagnosis
impact factor: 0.730
Behaviour Change
impact factor: 0.714
Journal of Family Therapy
impact factor: 0.698
Child & Family Behavior Therapy
impact factor: 0.688
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
impact factor: 0.635
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
impact factor: 0.623
American Behavioral Scientist
impact factor: 0.622
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
impact factor: 0.605
Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
impact factor: 0.604
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
impact factor: 0.583
Clinical Psychologist
impact factor: 0.536
Sexual & Relationship Therapy
impact factor: 0.525
The Arts in Psychotherapy
impact factor: 0.489
Behavioral Interventions
impact factor: 0.478
Behav Analyst
impact factor: 0.474
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie
impact factor: 0.452
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis / The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
impact factor: 0.419
International Journal of Sexual Health
impact factor: 0.417
impact factor: 0.390
J Cogn Behav Psychot
impact factor: 0.382
American Journal of Family Therapy
impact factor: 0.353
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
impact factor: 0.324
Rev Argent Clin Psic
impact factor: 0.300
Thérapie Familiale
impact factor: 0.214
Gruppenpsychother Gr
impact factor: 0.133
Suvrem Psihol
impact factor: 0.120
Rev Iberoam Diagn Ev
impact factor: 0.000