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Anthropology journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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The Journal of Peasant Studies
impact factor: 5.805
Journal of Human Evolution
impact factor: 4.094
Evolutionary Anthropology Issues News and Reviews
impact factor: 3.528
Social Networks
impact factor: 3.381
Current Anthropology
impact factor: 2.740
Cultural Anthropology
impact factor: 2.490
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
impact factor: 2.481
American Journal of Human Biology
impact factor: 2.335
Annual Review of Anthropology
impact factor: 2.237
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
impact factor: 1.938
Medical Anthropology Quarterly / Medical Anthropological Quarterly
impact factor: 1.938
Journal of Archaeological Science
impact factor: 1.889
Medical Anthropology
impact factor: 1.884
Global Networks
impact factor: 1.863
Human Nature
impact factor: 1.814
J Anthropol Sci
impact factor: 1.792
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
impact factor: 1.786
American Antiquity
impact factor: 1.662
American Ethnologist
impact factor: 1.648
Culture Medicine and Psychiatry
impact factor: 1.627
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
impact factor: 1.538
Human Biology
impact factor: 1.522
Annals of Human Biology
impact factor: 1.484
impact factor: 1.439
American Anthropologist / The American Anthropologist
impact factor: 1.398
Yearb Phys Anthropol
impact factor: 1.385
Human Ecology
impact factor: 1.361
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
impact factor: 1.098
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
impact factor: 1.085
The Australian Journal of Anthropology
impact factor: 0.919
impact factor: 0.900
Anthropological Theory
impact factor: 0.880
J Anthropol Res
impact factor: 0.875
Africa / Africa Journal of the International African Institute/Revue de l Institut Africain International
impact factor: 0.855
HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology
impact factor: 0.844
Comparative Studies in Society and History
impact factor: 0.800
Critique of Anthropology
impact factor: 0.757
APLA Newsletter
impact factor: 0.743
Anthropological Quarterly
impact factor: 0.730
Archaeology in Oceania
impact factor: 0.700
Public Culture
impact factor: 0.690
Anthropologischer Anzeiger
impact factor: 0.676
Transcultural Psychiatry
impact factor: 0.662
impact factor: 0.660
Anthropological Forum
impact factor: 0.577
L Anthropologie
impact factor: 0.553
impact factor: 0.551
Field Methods: (Formerly Cultural Anthropology Methods)
impact factor: 0.551
Cultural Studies
impact factor: 0.526
Hum Organ
impact factor: 0.487
Magallania (Punta Arenas)
impact factor: 0.446
Collegium Antropologicum
impact factor: 0.414
Journal of Material Culture
impact factor: 0.395
impact factor: 0.394
Anthropology & Education Quarterly
impact factor: 0.386
Race & Class
impact factor: 0.367
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology
impact factor: 0.300
Aust Aborig Stud
impact factor: 0.290
Chungará (Arica)
impact factor: 0.286
Bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia
impact factor: 0.270
Journal of Family History: Studies in Family, Kinship, Gender, and Demography
impact factor: 0.267
impact factor: 0.250
Stud Ethno Med
impact factor: 0.246
Arctic Anthropol
impact factor: 0.212
Intersecciones Antro
impact factor: 0.212
Journal of Historical Sociology
impact factor: 0.170
J Polynesian Soc
impact factor: 0.161
Romani Studies
impact factor: 0.154
South African Journal of Sociology
impact factor: 0.143
Plains Anthropol
impact factor: 0.140
Anthropol Noteb
impact factor: 0.139
impact factor: 0.133
impact factor: 0.113
impact factor: 0.112
AIBR Revista de AntropologÃa Iberoamericana
impact factor: 0.111
impact factor: 0.095
L Homme
impact factor: 0.095
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
impact factor: 0.095
Ces Lid Ethnol Cas
impact factor: 0.094
Z Ethnol
impact factor: 0.062
impact factor: 0.056
Chinese Sociology & Anthropology
impact factor: 0.033
Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia
impact factor: 0.032