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Applied Psychology journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Journal of Management
impact factor: 6.704
Journal of Applied Psychology
impact factor: 4.758
Organizational Research Methods
impact factor: 3.926
Personnel Psychology
impact factor: 3.702
Journal of Organizational Behavior
impact factor: 3.626
Group & Organization Management
impact factor: 2.957
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
impact factor: 2.816
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
impact factor: 2.786
The Leadership Quarterly
impact factor: 2.711
Journal of Counseling Psychology
impact factor: 2.628
J Sport Exercise Psy
impact factor: 2.452
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
impact factor: 2.419
Journal of Vocational Behavior
impact factor: 2.360
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
impact factor: 2.161
Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied
impact factor: 2.115
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
impact factor: 2.094
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
impact factor: 2.056
Work & Stress
impact factor: 1.950
Applied Psychology Health and Well-Being
impact factor: 1.750
Journal of Business and Psychology
impact factor: 1.737
Applied Ergonomics
impact factor: 1.728
Psychology of Sport and Exercise
impact factor: 1.719
impact factor: 1.674
Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
impact factor: 1.577
Psychology of Music
impact factor: 1.553
Applied Psychology / International Review of Applied Psychology
impact factor: 1.533
Research in Organizational Behavior
impact factor: 1.474
Human Resource Management
impact factor: 1.458
Journal of Personnel Psychology
impact factor: 1.439
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
impact factor: 1.355
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
impact factor: 1.353
Journal of Career Assessment
impact factor: 1.338
Behavioral Sciences & the Law / BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND THE LAW
impact factor: 1.337
The Counseling Psychologist
impact factor: 1.325
International Journal of Selection and Assessment
impact factor: 1.318
Psychology and Marketing
impact factor: 1.309
The Career Development Quarterly
impact factor: 1.260
Media Psychology
impact factor: 1.250
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
impact factor: 1.182
Journal of Managerial Psychology
impact factor: 1.179
Small Group Research
impact factor: 1.164
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
impact factor: 1.159
Journal of Career Development
impact factor: 1.118
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
impact factor: 1.108
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
impact factor: 1.081
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
impact factor: 1.056
Career Development International
impact factor: 1.043
Sport Psychol
impact factor: 1.018
Gedrag Organ
impact factor: 0.943
International Journal of Stress Management
impact factor: 0.921
Rev Psicol Deporte
impact factor: 0.897
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
impact factor: 0.848
Personnel Review
impact factor: 0.825
Human Performance
impact factor: 0.816
Organizational Dynamics
impact factor: 0.757
Journal of Counseling & Development
impact factor: 0.669
Journal of Educational Measurement
impact factor: 0.660
Human Resource Development Quarterly
impact factor: 0.653
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching / International journal of Sports Science and Coaching
impact factor: 0.606
J Coll Student Dev
impact factor: 0.557
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
impact factor: 0.526
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
impact factor: 0.514
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
impact factor: 0.500
Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology
impact factor: 0.489
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
impact factor: 0.474
Le travail humain
impact factor: 0.469
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
impact factor: 0.343
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie
impact factor: 0.304
Journal of Employment Counseling
impact factor: 0.279
Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O
impact factor: 0.233
International Journal of Aviation Psychology
impact factor: 0.167
Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations
impact factor: 0.114